Nadir Ali, a renowned YouTuber & influential figure from Pakistan, gained across-the-board recognition with his humorous prank videos, regularly shared on his YouTube channel called P 4 Pakao. With an impressive following of 4 million subscribers, P 4 Pakao has become a popular platform for his content. Nadir embarked on his professional journey at a young age.
Nadir Ali, hailing from Karachi, Pakistan, boasts a massive fan base in his home country and beyond. In addition to his pranking expertise, Nadir has expanded his repertoire to include hosting and podcasting. He now shares captivating podcasts on his new YouTube channel, Nadir Ali Official, which has garnered an impressive following of approximately 720,000 subscribers. Alongside his flourishing career, Nadir finds joy in his blissful married life and is the proud father of an adorable son named Hamdan.
Nadir Ali recently embarked on a significant journey to Saudi Arabia to fulfill his spiritual duty of performing Umrah. Accompanied by his beloved wife, he had the privilege of visiting the sacred cities of Madina & Makkah.