مصباح الحق اہلیہ عظمیٰ خان، بچوں فہام اور نوریزا کے ساتھ پوز دیتے ہوئے

Misbah-ul-Haq is considered one of the best batsmen in the Pakistan cricket team. He has won a very difficult match for the Pakistan cricket team because of his excellent captaincy. And there is no doubt that nature has endowed this boy with immense cricketing skills and a sharp mind.

If we talk about the age of famous Pakistani cricketer Misbah-ul-Haq in the year 2021, then he has turned 47 years old. And there are no two opinions on that. He played cricket for 15 years and made a name for himself all over the world with his hard work.

One of the special things about Misbah-ul-Haq is that he is very active on his social media account so that he can immediately answer the questions asked by his fans. People say that Pakistan’s team like Misbah, who stood on the wicket till the last ball, has not been able to produce yet.

But in today’s article, we will see famous Pakistani former cricketer Misbah-ul-Haq has shared his family photos with his wife Salma and their children Faham and Noriza on social media. It can be seen in the mobile pictures that he is very attached to his wife and children. Misbah, on the other hand, has confirmed in interviews that he used to take his wife and children on many international tours.

Are you also following famous Pakistani cricketer and batsman Misbah-ul-Haq on his Instagram and Facebook account? If so, You will definitely tell us in the comments section below. Thanks!